REM Compactor REM Steve Michel 9/15/86 815-626-4157 REM 2510 16th Ave. Sterling IL 61081 REM get file name to compact CLS: PRINT INPUT "Enter filename to compact";$ PRINT: INPUT "Enter filename for compacted file"; filename.out$ OPEN "I", #1,$, 1024 OPEN "O", #2, filename.out$, 1024 CLS: PRINT: PRINT "Now reading line => " PRINT: PRINT "Now writing line => " DIM byte$(300) ' assumes a single line not longer than 300 bytes = 0: lines.out = 0: = 0: bytes.out = 0 REM directly copy file attribute bytes a$ = INPUT$ (1,#1): PRINT #2,a$; a$ = INPUT$ (1,#1): PRINT #2,a$; REM start main read / write loop loop: byte$(1) = INPUT$ (1,#1) ' get linelength linelength = ASC(byte$(1)) ' check for end of BASIC text IF linelength = 0 THEN end.of.basic ' if linelength is zero ' we're at end of basic text REM read in line from input file ' not end of BASIC text, so = + linelength ' count bytes in and = + 1 ' increment line counter LOCATE 2,22: PRINT ' and print it to screen FOR J = 2 TO linelength ' read rest of line one byte byte$(J) = INPUT$ (1,#1) ' at a time into the NEXT J ' array - byte$() REM check for blank line byte3 = ASC(byte$(3)) ' check bytes 3 & 4 of line for byte4 = ASC(byte$(4)) ' two zeros that indicate a IF byte3 = 0 AND byte4 = 0 THEN loop ' blank line. if yes, skip line REM check for leading apostrophe IF byte3 = 58 AND byte4 = 7*25 THEN loop ' leading apostrophe. so skip REM scan current line for imbedded REMs and ' newlength = 0 ' no leading REMs or apostrophes FOR J = 3 TO linelength ' so search for imbedded REMs IF byte$(J) = CHR$(174+1) THEN ' and apostrophes. if found, newlength = J ' set position found and force J = 1e+09 ' the loop to end END IF NEXT J IF newlength = 0 THEN setup.line ' no REMs found so save line REM embedded REM found, check for colon in front of it FOR J = newlength TO 3 STEP -1 ' start searching line backwards IF byte$(J) = CHR$(58) THEN ' for a colon. if found, set linelength = J + 1 ' linelength to that position GOTO setup.line ' plus 1 and end search and END IF ' setup line to write to new NEXT J ' file GOTO loop ' no colon, so skip whole line REM this routine sets up the line length, indentation and REM two zero bytes at the end of the compacted line setup.line: byte$(1) = CHR$(linelength) ' reset line length byte$(2) = CHR$(0) ' reset line indentation byte$(linelength) = CHR$(0) ' set two zero bytes at the byte$(linelength-1) = CHR$(0) ' end of the line bytes.out = bytes.out + linelength ' count # of bytes written lines.out = lines.out + 1 ' keep track of lines written LOCATE 4,22: PRINT lines.out ' and display on screen FOR J = 1 TO linelength ' now write whole line out to PRINT #2, byte$(J); ' to compacted file NEXT J GOTO loop ' and continue REM add 2 zero bytes for end of BASIC and check for REM ODD / EVEN file lengths and adjust if needed end.of.basic: byte$ = INPUT$(1,#1) ' get 2nd zero byte from file IF = INT( THEN ' if even number of bytes read, throwaway$ = INPUT$ (1,#1) ' get rid of extra byte in front END IF ' of variable table PRINT #2,CHR$(0); ' write the end of BASIC markers PRINT #2,CHR$(0); IF bytes.out/2 = INT(bytes.out/2) THEN ' if even number of bytes written, PRINT #2,CHR$(ASC("J")); ' add extra byte in front of END IF ' variable table. (Thanks, Jay.) REM copy variable table and icon files over finish.up: GOSUB ' copy rest of file OPEN "I", #1,$ + ".info" ' copy icon information OPEN "O", #2, filename.out$ + ".info" ' to provide a clickable icon GOSUB ' copy icon file KILL filename.out$ + "" ' delete extraneous file LOCATE 6,1: PRINT "All done !" ' generated during copy process END ' and voila !!! byte$ = INPUT$ (1,#1) ' get next byte of old file PRINT #2, byte$; ' send to new file IF EOF(1) THEN ' check end of old file CLOSE #1 ' done, so tidy everything up CLOSE #2 RETURN ' and go back END IF GOTO ' otherwise, continue copying